
Compilations from the transcripts of the original Michael group.

  • The transcripts of the original Michael Teachings group have been determined to be in the public domain. Any content or commentary added by the author/compiler is copyright: CC by NC-ND and please attribute

The Nature of Concentration/Meditation/Study and Fasting.

The suggestion to use Concentration, Meditation and True Study to facilitate work on the path comes up many times in the original transcripts. Over and over again, students are asked to develop their intuitive, perceptual abilities. At one point, Michael says:

  • This medium senses the division existing within the psyche of most of the cadre and it is the fight for survival. Only the ego needs to survive. The Essence “survives” already in eternity. Impatience, lack of trust and a stubborn clinging to the “I am not psychic” belief hold you all from experiencing truth as it is available to all. [12/28/1974, italics mine]

Everyone in the original group is encouraged to act as a medium, and many do. Truth is available to all — that’s the key in this passage. Letting go of the “I am not psychic” resistance is something the teacher tries in many ways to help their students with. This is the reason for this particular compilation. Everyone is psychic; as students on the path we’ve done some level of intuitive work in many past lifetimes. We are here to try it again. This is the method Michael Entity suggests but certainly there are others.

Question: What is meant by “intellectual teaching”?

Comment: To translate what you have learned intellectually as knowledge into what you do — (being) [a Gurdjieff term]. It’s turning water into wine.

  • This is, of course, our teaching also. The discipline, of course, includes going toward balance through concentration, meditation and other conscious[ness]-raising techniques. Also, the understanding and ultimate complete acceptance of all others, leading to the spiritual agape, which is the doorway to true consciousness. [02/03/1974]

J______ asked what must we do to become awake.

  • We have, of course, outlined to this cadre the steps that they must take if they are to ever become sufficiently awake to hear the words. We have told them of the highest truth, which is agape, which is the unqualified acceptance of other creatures as the greater part of self. We have given them the tools for attainment of this state, which are yes, meditation, concentration, fasting and study. We have endeavored to warn them, or rather apprise them, of the pitfalls they may encounter on the path. We have recommended that they simplify their lives, that they may free the necessary energies for pursuit of this objective. We would give you the same advice. It cannot change. This is as we have said many times, the shortest path of which we are aware. The most penetrating barriers on the Physical Plane are the “I cannot” belief systems that stand in the way of spiritual evolution. The easiest way we know of to break through these barriers is to eliminate the alienation, the frustrating isolation that your culture now imposes. [11/20/1974]

T_____ asked about meditation experience. What is the nullness?

  • That is what meditation is all about — “mindlessness.” For some students at this point in their work, involvement in actual transactions would be anti-growth, for you are quite right in that it is an Intellectual Center function, and should not be relegated downward. On the other hand, there are some other students whose Overleaves do not at this time permit them to be seriously on the path in a way other than a concrete service role, and those are the ones you should tap. T____, you are confusing meditation with concentration. The goals are very different: concentration prepares you for a learning experience, meditation does not; concentration leads you to the realized masters, meditation disconnects the computer. [02/16/1975]

It appears to me that in consciousness-raising, you don’t concentrate.

  • Concentration [is focus on] on a single goal. In this case, the goal would be ecstasy. [8/12/1973]

Is “self-remembering” [focusing on being one with the All] a part of meditation?

  • No, but it is an excellent form of concentration — the highest form to be exact. Meditation requires an empty head.

Comment: Michael told us there is a difference. Both have their place and the goals are different.

What is the difference between meditation and concentration?

  • Meditation is the emptying of the mind of maya. Concentration is the active acquisition of higher knowledge: the Logos.

Comment: We were told when you “meditate” under [the influence of] grass [marijuana], you are “concentrating.” R____ asked if a mantra was better for him than marijuana. They answered that, for meditation the mantra was better, but if you want to concentrate, then marijuana is better. They are different. Then you’re concentrating on the maya, then you concentrate on higher knowledge, not maya. [ed: this appears to mean that the mantra helps one to detach from maya, while marijuana aids concentration as a focus on higher knowledge]

It seems that I am constantly taking in impressions all the time (under grass) and am not in illusion.

  • Self-remembering [as a concentration exercise] can be defined as follows: you are sitting in a field. You see the sunlight. You see it and feel its effect on you. You also feel and see its effects on the trees. You can see and feel its effects on your entire physical environment at once: the sunlight filtering through the trees, the sunlight calling the bees to action, the sunlight on your back, the sunlight as radiant energy, the sun as a source of light and heat. You can hold all of these impressions separately and yet recognize them as an integrated whole. To do this requires separation from maya.

Our goal is to wake up the self. Do not these two techniques have the same goal?

  • Yes. [09/08/1973]

Is self-remembering the way to produce psychic energy?

  • Not the way, simply the by-product. The self-remembering must be produced first through those methods we have outlined to you [meditation, concentration, fasting, study]. Then as you go progressively toward balance, you automatically will have more and more flashes of consciousness, opening the door to higher expression.

Comment: That makes it sound like you generate what you need as you go along. There are checkpoints to tell you where you are. [02/09/1974]

Two weeks ago, Michael suggested further contact with meditation. I can’t concentrate and I need more advice on this.

  • Meditation is the clearing of the mind of trivia and allowing the free flow. Transcendental Meditation provides good groundwork for those new to the enlightenment game. The more exalted forms such as that taught by [Chögyam] Trungpa requires much preparation and may take years to perfect. Also, many meditate for all of their lives and achieve nothing. To be effective, meditation must prepare one for activity, not rest. [11/08/1973]

Is meditation helpful?

  • Meditation?

[Is] Transcendental Meditation [helpful]?

  • There is a very good form of meditation where you actually meditate upon the chakras and bring the aum up through them. You cannot transmute any energy you are not in touch with, however, so if you suddenly find yourself unable to continue — that is why C_____ needs to get in touch with Moving Center and Intellectual Center before she can think about transmuting. She could read [A.R.] Orage and do the exercises. It would help with the detachment.

Asked for a comment about advice given previously about fasting.

  • I would never tell you that, R____. It is the last thing you need.

Is fasting healthy?

  • Fasting when done properly leads to the liberated meditation. It produces the same state as marijuana if practiced long enough and diligently enough. You should not fast if you are ill or if there is honest grief or pressures of private agendas.

How should we do it?

  • Start with one day. Go to two, then three. Do not exceed five at this stage. Take plenty of liquids and be quiet at first. That [liquids] includes water and unsweetened liquids and fruits. Do not drive. [08/21/1973]

Is hypnosis a form of sleep? I’m wary of it as such. Why do I sleep so much?

  • Hypnosis is a form of concentration, not meditation. You go to sleep because you are tired, Edgar [Mena]. You do actually need more sleep because of your physical disability. [11/22/1973]

If hypnosis can aid a Moving Centered person to remember past lives, how can an Intellectually Centered person do this?

  • By meditation, concentration and movement toward Emotional Center. [02/13/1974]

Is there a difference between introspection and meditation?

  • Oh! Yes! There is no comparison. Introspection is often morbid. Meditation should always be joyful and produce a feeling of liberation. [02/06/1974]

M____: I am starting meditation again and I would like to have some help on how to proceed. Chanting out loud helps me to get started and a counting method.

E_____: Michael gave me a mantra which is good for me: “I am in all. All is in me.”

  • First, we would like for M____ to learn to concentrate. A candle will be a good beginning, then she can transfer the flame upward and inward, and then she can maintain the image with her eyes closed; then she will know that she has achieved concentration. Once in this space, the silent chant can be used to clear the mind of all trivia. Moving Centered souls have great difficulty with meditation, and usually must preface it with some definite exercise in concentration just to take the Moving Center out of gear.

Would a silent mantra help?

  • It can, or you can use the one you have now except that this does produce some friction with you and that needs to be resolved. “Never changing, ever flowing, eternally the Tao” works for some.

Does the location have any effect upon meditation? That is, can one accomplish it better in certain areas?

  • Yes. It is difficult to meditate in Vallejo. It is just a bit better in Napa.

Should there be a time limit?

  • We would recommend trying this for not less than twenty minutes. For you, M____, preferably longer.

Twice a day?

  • That is valid. [02/20/1974]

Is there any technique I can use to detach myself from maya?

  • We have given those to you. They are again: meditation, concentration and fasting, and study.

What do I need to get in touch with? Which Center am I trapped in? (Some said Intellectual, but Edgar thought Emotional.)

  • We agree with that [Emotional Center]. E____ needs to get in touch with the detached plateau of the Intellectual Part and the action-laden Moving Part.

What I meant was that I think the thing tying me down is mental laziness. I can’t stick to it (meditation). What technique can I do that is not a chore for me?

  • The mental inertia is not uncommon to souls stuck in this spot — they usually suffer from this. The technique does not matter nearly so much as the diligence with which you apply it and the value you assign it on your priorities.

In other words: try, try and try again.

  • That is valid. [03/03/1974]

Would fasting help meditation?

  • Many times it does, yes. It deepens the trance.

Sunday’s hypnosis was a good work and excellent start.

  • We would agree that it was good work and an excellent start.

At this point what is my task?

  • Right now, you can use more power in concentration. You are still scattering much of the time.

C____: Is that my task also?

  • Yes, and also J___. Yes, also the younger N____: all of your efforts on one subject, preferably spiritual growth, for a specific period, say twenty minutes at sunset. You may use the marijuana if you wish, but it is not imperative. Memories should be allowed to flow by, and you should examine them unemotionally.

What happens in concentration?

  • Transcendence of the personality. [07/03/1974]

How can I bring my Intellectual and Emotional Centers into phase?

  • We did, at one time, give you an exercise that has proved valid for many, and that is of concentration outdoors: the exercise of visualizing the countryside, feeling the sun on your back, of feeling the sun acting upon the countryside, of filling the moment with as much of the environment as possible. Each time you perform this exercise, you should be able to embrace a broader perspective. [09/17/1974]

R____ asked if his painting was for him a form of concentration.

  • Oh, very definitely, as is some vigorous physical activity for Moving Centered individuals; swinging is for Sarah. Many mundane chores also can be employed to keep the body busy while the Essence awakes and concentrates.

Could watching television be a form of concentration to some?

  • It can very well be so for some individuals, yes — anything that distracts the personality, for this is what a mantra does. [11/20/1974]

B____ asked about Centering, and what force makes one achieve Balance

  • [snip] When you go to Balance it is centered — ergo, Balanced; not very mystical, but far more practical. There is no leakage of energy in Balanced Man, and all of this energy can be diverted into the [spiritual] work — whether this be meditation, concentration or study. [snip] [11/26/1974]

The Benefits and Effects of Concentration/Meditation/Study and Fasting.

Question: What sense in life? [Sic. Probably meaning: Is there any way to figure out your karmic ribbons or is there any way to remember your past lives?]

  • Yes, there is a way. You must first be able to recall the threads [of past lives]. This is what takes the practice. This is why concentration and meditation have been stressed. You have indicated that you wish this and we are showing you how. [08/17/1973]

I would like to ask if Michael was with me last night and saw me put my hand on the brow of this young lady who had taken an overdose and cut her wrists.

  • Yes, we are almost constantly with all of you now. It will be that way from now on. Please accompany the gestures with meditation upon my aura and then we can guide you. The words will be in your mind then and there will be no mistake. You will even be able to discern whether any action should be taken at all. In many cases, you should do nothing and I realize that this is contrary to your training, but it is one of the hurdles you must scale. Most of those involved in the teaching profession — academic, that is — are either Young or Mature Souls, and their system of ethics is erroneously based upon their own fears of physical death and the nothingness — annihilation of the soul. The healer knows intuitively when not to heal.

Then I want to know whether what I did with that young lady was correct — putting my hand on her head?

  • Yes, it was correct. That came from higher expression. [08/26/1973]

I would like to ask if there is advice on how to turn things around in the right direction.

  • You are using Emotional Center as a psychic dumping ground. This is causing the energy leak you are feeling now. The meditations, or more correctly concentrations, under marijuana result in good insights for you, if you will follow them out. [09/22/1973]

L___ apparently communicates with Tomas, who is a part of her Entity. I just wonder if, through meditation, each of us could contact the reunited Fragments of our Entities.

  • We are nameless, but yes, you could communicate.

If I were to try to contact my Entity, what would I meditate on?

  • You would concentrate on your entity.

Well, what would you concentrate on?

  • Think of the free-floating Essence, devoid of maya. [10/20/1973]

I’d like to know the source of the psychic phenomenon I have been experiencing lately.

  • The Mature Soul begins to seek and to question motivation for all life actions. When this happens, there is a gradual opening up of the soul. When this occurs, we can make limited contact. More of the unused portion of the brain comes into play during this cycle and psychic phenomena occur with more frequency until they are finally acknowledged and the serious work begins.

What can I do to enhance this for more information to be released? What am I doing to keep myself where I am?

  • Learn to meditate and incorporate it into your lifestyle. Learn the difference between meditation and concentration. [10/23/1973]

E____: The way I have understood the teachings of Christ, through meditation or praying, one can elevate himself to receive the word by communion with God. That is what he meant by “receiving the word of God.” That is what is meant by being “under grace” — all troubles melt away. Can I achieve this state?

  • You will achieve this state — whether [or not] you do it this time is up to you. You know how to do it: meditation, concentration, right-thinking, study.


S____: Any hint in the direction I might take?

  • Should we go through it all over again, S____? Meditation, concentration, fasting, study, right-thinking. This is the magic enlightenment formula, like E = Mc2.


E____: Maybe that is why I block my past female lives. If I set aside vacation time (40 days) for meditation, how long will it take for me to reach the state I want?

  • Longer than you have vacation. You must make it a part of your life. [01/22/1973]

I have no personal goal at this time. What could be a meaningful one for me now?

  • Since it is the primary point of friction [with E____, also in Growth] for you now, why not attempt the transition into [goal of] Growth. We would suggest for you [the] concentration [exercise]. [09/24/1974]

A____ felt very highly charged bolts of energy coming in. He didn’t need much sleep, and couldn’t find a way to outlay the energy.

  • You can utilize these periods of positive energy flow to work toward Balance through work in the Centers. Moving Center is a good one for this channel, and is, of course, the easiest to reach. Other good work can involve the breathing exercises that you experienced, turning the energy upward and out into the liberated meditation. You see, even meditation is subject to real and artificial space, and the personality imposes limitations on the space that the meditation may occupy. The liberated meditation of the Essence utilizes the energy efficiently, and does not cause leakage, resulting in fatigue. The moments of Power [Mode] that those in the Caution Mode experience from time to time may be utilized in the same fashion. [02/08/1975]

I would still want an answer if possible. Shall I meditate on it?

  • Meditation is not the proper word: concentration would help. [snip] [11/10/1973]

The Advanced Components of Concentration/Meditation/Study and Fasting.

I would like advice regards getting rid of pain.

  • We can be of assistance only in that your illness is a part of karma for you and when you come to grips with your spiritual controversy, the pain will no longer be necessary. This can be accelerated, of course, by those methods we have outlined for the others; that is: meditation, concentration, fasting and study. E____ is waging an internal battle with reason versus dogma. This is not unusual, just agonizing, particularly for Scholars who are slaves to reason. [11/15/1973]

C____ and H____ commented that they frequently have the same thought at the same time, and wondered who was the sender and who was the receiver.

  • There are strong vibrations between Mature and Older Souls. The position of the planets could be marked while this is going on strongest. You could experiment with it. Meditation assists it. If you do not like it, you can stop it, but would lose the growth. Many people work at this for a long time and don’t achieve this communication. It is a gift. H____ is a good transmitter. C____ is a good receiver. [11/20/1973]

How can I be with Michael?

  • We will tell you what we have told all of the others. We can be with you at all times during meditation or concentration. You may wish to use the alphabet board or the auto[matic] writing in the beginning, but this is not at all necessary. When you express a wish to hear our words, we are with you from that point on. Intuition being the manifestation of the higher self, we can think of no better advice than to follow your intuition in this communication as in all things. In the beginning, it is often necessary to separate yourself from others to establish the bond [with us]. [07/14/1974]

R____ talked about Kundalini energy.

  • This energy of which you speak is tapped into from Higher Emotional Center and utilized by the Higher Intellectual function. All of you have experienced its flow for short periods of time but are unable to command its perpetuity. You have glimpsed the keys to unlocking this energy for your own use. Until you have relinquished your most negative characteristics, you cannot even seek a life in Essence, for that Negative Pole will seek the farthest shore and you will follow it rather than your Essence. You are right, though. You cannot break the patterns any other way. Even a tiny flow will enable you to break away at the molds that hold you fixed in place. The way to this energy can be found through many media. Those we have suggested have been meditation, concentration and fasting, augmented or not. Also, art that is of a participatory nature, music, color, water — and by water we mean swimming, floating, sailing or simply standing beneath a water flow — “hydrotherapy” if you prefer. The sensory deprivation method is another, but there again, the water helps more than you realize. [11/04/1977]

I had similar imagery as E____ was getting — alternating trances with flowers (not the negative violence), flowers blooming and shutting off the bud.

  • Experiences such as this one should occur with increasing frequency when students begin to experience deeper states of concentration and allow the images to merely come into their focus. Of course, there is much symbolism here of the drawing closer, of the unfolding and opening, then the retreat. The colors will usually reflect the colors of the students’ aura, yes, since these are the colors of maximum affinity. [02/21/1975]

There was much discussion on a variety of subjects, and this was the response:

[snip: this is a very long discourse on a number of subjects — the following is the last paragraph.]

  • Love from the higher Centers cannot even be made by the part of the lower Center from which the Overleaves operate. It can be glimpsed in those rare moments when the Overleaves are vanquished, either by mind expanders or by religious ecstasy or by application of the work — that is, either through meditation or concentration that is diligently pursued. The group high that is experienced by the student is, oddly enough, an excellent stepping stone. This is why this Entity emphasizes group work rather than solitary struggle. What you are seeking, dear students, is a high and it is the highest high that you can possibly imagine and however you get there is not nearly as important as the thing itself. What do you think that word (agape) means? Agape is the highest high. [09/30/1977]

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