Dream from 11/08/2011

One of the first steps for the adept aspirant is to begin to read “signs and wonders” that are all around us. Working intuitively with dreams parallels working intuitively in every day life. The dream below came after a day of pushing limits with energy beyond any expectation, and after weeks of struggling with aggravations and irritations that were blown up out of proportion. This started as an email conversation and is pasted together below. 

Honey Bee

11/08/2011 Kath: Dream

It was like film noir, a movie — but there were colors, just mostly dark or muted. I was both watching the movie from the outside, and in the movie watching, observing there also.

I was a detective, and I had a partner, older man. And we were investigating some kind of crime. We went to a house where there were two women, one tall, androgynous, dark energy on the inside, blonde and pale on the outside. And around her we noticed honeybees, that were like, enthralled — but when we would go to touch them they dissolved into drops of gold and black liquid. She didn’t seem to notice them. There was another woman there, younger, Hispanic, filled with light but held some how in that house, not of her own will.

Later, near dusk we followed some lead and went into town, and it was like something between a barrio and vaguely voodoo, haitian maybe. In a back alley, we found this caged in area and the doorway was an energy screen, my partner touched it and it unzipped and let him in, but I couldn’t follow. He was immediately swarmed by honeybees, until they covered him all over four inches deep. I remember anxiety, concern that he would be stung to death, and a shaman appeared, old shaman and he leaned forward into the bars of the cage and was about to use some word of power, when a very dark, demonic human figure appeared in the cage and came toward us… they began to talk, and the man in the cage began to draw the shaman into himself, like the shaman’s face began to turn into vapor and get drawn into the man’s mouth. He wanted to know where the young woman was, but the shaman would never give her up. Eventually the shaman got his word of power out and the other man disappeared and the energy barrier failed and we got into the yard/cage. My partner was ok, because somehow he had been covered completely in honey and wax, before the bees swarmed him, and they all got stuck and couldn’t sting him (I knew he’d be a mess to clean up though). And the people that had gathered as this was going on murmured “miracle”…

Then I woke up. I remember thinking “why bees?” I don’t recall ever having bees in a dream, or having seen something about them while awake recently. There are layers and layers of things here — what do you guys see?

11/08/2011 Azzen: Interp

Seeking, searching for answers on a lesser plane of vibration. (dark or muted colors) What was or is the mis-perception (crime)? You and a Partner, an older man (consciousness) and the part of you that you’d relate an older man as, the authoritative part of you? Soul? Higher self? ego? go into a (House) containment or space/time, a limited reality. Two women, one not clearly defined sexually but dark inside and blonde/pale outside. Contrast. Bees, another unit of contrast but contained in unity as each one holds bands of light and dark, yellow and black, becoming liquid gold and black. Positive and negative emotion? The younger woman full of light, innocent, not contaminated yet by the lesser plane, but held back (resistance)

Near dusk, at the meeting of the dark and the light, the Sun, sol about to pass beneath the horizon (plane). Go into town, (a larger space?) but still underworldly, caged, more containment, and limits, but with a door. Partner goes thru and is covered in bees, (busy bees, action, swarming, vibrations of contrasts, and seemingly disappears beneath 4 inches of them, 4 the number of foundations, ie (phys manifestation).

Old shaman (power word), and a dark demonic human becoming the Shaman. A struggle ensues but the Shaman prevails, and the limitations are lifted. Partner ok, was shielded by what the bees make themselves, wax and honey. The young hispanic woman shielded by the Shaman.

Well, these are my symbolic perceptions. Where does this all take you? Either from how I read the symbols or from what did it mean for you? it being all you in the first place 🙂

11/09/2011 Cyn: Interp

Interesting that the bees covered both the dark woman and your guide/partner. Bees represent hidden wisdom, the doing of the impossible. They work in the sun, the light. When you touched them and they dripped both black and gold, it’s simply the yin yang of all things. Positive and negative held in all. The balance, if you will. You’ve taken huge strides forward in the light — Only stands to reason you’re having an attack of the ‘dark night of the soul’. Balance in all. 4 also being all about balance. Even Jesus had his dark night in the gardens of gethsemene. this is your take on that. Better through dreams than burning at the stake. It’s all good. You’re just reaching for the next level.

11/09/2011 Kath:  Musing on the dream.

I know this was an astral message to myself.  As a dream it is working with more awareness, the observing of the self observing.  Themes repeat; yin/yan, dark/light, in/out, interior/exterior.  In my life lately there’s been a struggle to figure something out, to move on to the next level and I’m close.

Hence, first level, the “mystery” that needs to be solved.  The patient sifting of clues and suspects, tension and contention, battles fought, resolved.

And all of that on the second level, more abstractly, is about reconciliation of the dualities.   So in the house with the two women, one light, one dark, both contained, each the opposite image of the other.  The bees are here too, and yet within they are drawn to the one woman and yet are not what they seem to be.  The women can’t see them, only my partner and I can.

And when we go outside, this repeats.  Only more obviously.  The Dark Man tries to pull the essence of the Shaman within himself, the Shaman is drawn there too… but then resists, and almost too late, but where he might have not fought it for himself he will not give up the young woman.  Defense of innocence.  And temptation is contained again.  The bees swarm here, massed – what they seek to attack they are defeated by what comes from themselves to begin with.

Third level, honeybees are a sixness, harmony, collective consciousness.  They are also that which converts light into an assimilatable form.  Literally.   They are resurrection, the nectar in the comb that revives the mummified larvae.  They are master builders.  Their fear of the intruder leads them to attack and they are self-defeated.

Each vignette an exercise in the reconciliation of duality, in balance.  And the “miracle” – the sign that is pointing, where did the honey and wax come from that covered my partner?  My partner,  the part of me that is active, not the observer, that takes risks.



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