What is the Path of the Adept?

You can channel, you can hear from your Sources. You already do… you just haven’t learned to discern what is you as personality and what is You unbound.

Learning to Discern. That’s the core of the Path. To be an Adept is the culmination of mastering the processes of discernment. That means Listening through all the dimensions of Being, it means Love without limits or boundaries – particularly for yourself, and accepting those around us that we are not in sync with.

It seems simple, as it should, when you can look back on the Path you’ve traveled to get there. It’s the getting there, navigating all the resistances, that is complicated. This is the Path the Seeker travels on their way to Truth, the path to being an Adept.

Kath,  09/01/2013.


Copyright k.neall 2013

One response to “What is the Path of the Adept?

  1. In 1984 I died while on the operating table from Anaphylaxis due to an experimental anesthesia. I was suffocating and wanted to scream but because of my esophagus swelling before my breathing tube was inserted, swelling prevented me from allowing that human need to scream. I then began to hear that scream escaping from me, but not from my mouth. Instead I saw a smaĺl speck of light rising from each and every cell of my body. That was where the sound came from. They were beyond count, rising above me, changing to another sound, I found myself moving through their center to a place from dèep in memories secret place…..
    Many wèeks later I was finding a voice within a mute girl wishing to give explanation to her mother. Savagely barking dogs silenced as I approached. A buźzing fly aĝgravated my friends who tried to swat at in. I told them to stop and then I raised my arm out and it landed upon my hand. I walked to the dòor, opened it and the source of their aĝgrevation, flew off to the tree outside.
    So many new things, I became aware of daily. I desire to write of the sacred time of no breath and great Light, and with great humility, a renewal with Unworldy Love that I hold safely from human reaction/attention. But I know it is meant to be shared, in written tome.
    Is such a thing possible without the human world taking me as being something more than I am. This is very personal to me and this place that I share with others as myself, I have no desire to desert. Wiĺl those, without this experience, (yet)… allow those, such as myself, to write/talk of this change that will come to all (in this lifetime or another)and respect the silence that is needed for us to exist, so that we may continue to hear, That which continues to teach and reaffirm us?

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