Monthly Archives: September 2012

What is the Path of the Adept?

You can channel, you can hear from your Sources. You already do… you just haven’t learned to discern what is you as personality and what is You unbound.

Learning to Discern. That’s the core of the Path. To be an Adept is the culmination of mastering the processes of discernment. That means Listening through all the dimensions of Being, it means Love without limits or boundaries – particularly for yourself, and accepting those around us that we are not in sync with.

It seems simple, as it should, when you can look back on the Path you’ve traveled to get there. It’s the getting there, navigating all the resistances, that is complicated. This is the Path the Seeker travels on their way to Truth, the path to being an Adept.

Kath,  09/01/2013.


Copyright k.neall 2013